Return Policy

United States

We happily accept returns of new and unworn merchandise with original tags and packaging within 30 days from the purchase date*. Our return policy applies only to orders placed on

  • We offer free returns! Simply print the prepaid UPS label and send the package back to us. Please find directions to initiate and complete a return below.
  • You may return the item(s) for a full refund to your original method of payment or exchange the item(s) immediately online using an Instant HOBO Credit. We also happily accept gift returns.
  • Once received by our Returns Department, we will process your return within 3-5 business days. HOBO will email you upon receipt of your item(s) and when we issue you a refund.
  • We do not accept returns for orders shipped outside the United States or FINAL SALE merchandise. Items from our Makers Market and Artisan Series are considered final sale.

*We recently updated our returns process. Please note the return instructions that were provided in your shipment may vary slightly from the details below:

How To Return Your Item(s):

1. Log into the HOBO Returns Portal using the email address associated with the order, or your order number and shipping address zip code.
2. In the Returns Portal, select the item(s) you wish to return, select a reason for your return, and click COMPLETE RETURN.
3. Confirm your refund amount. This will include taxes and any discounts applied, but exclude shipping costs.
4. Print your prepaid UPS return label and return packing slip. Put the return packing slip in the box with your item(s) and place the return label on the box. Drop the box at your nearest UPS shipping center. Please complete this process within 7 days of printing your prepaid return label.
5. If you want to exchange your item(s) on the spot, you use may use your Instant HOBO Credit to shop immediately on! Simply use the Instant HOBO Credit code in the Gift Card box at checkout for your next purchase.
6. Once we receive your return, any partial balance remaining from your Instant HOBO Credit will be issued to your original form of payment. If you did not use your Instant HOBO Credit, we will issue a full refund to your original form of payment.

How To Return A Gift:

Receive a HOBO item as a gift, but interested in a different color or style? No problem, we can exchange it for you! Please note, you have 30 days to return your item(s).

1. As the gift recipient, please click the above Gift Exchange button. Please enter the order number, shipping zip code, your name, and your email address to start a return. You can find the order number and shipping zip code on the front of this invoice. Please note, HOBO will send the return shipping label and merchandise credit to the email address entered. The gift giver will not receive notification of the return.
2. Select the item(s) you wish to return, select a reason for your return, and click COMPLETE RETURN.
3. Confirm your refund amount. This will include taxes and any discounts applied, but exclude shipping costs.
4.Print your prepaid UPS return label and return packing slip. Put the return packing slip in the box with your item(s) and place the return label on the box. Drop the box at your nearest UPS shipping center. Please complete this process within 7 days of printing your prepaid return label.
5. Congrats! You can start shopping immediately with your Instant HOBO Credit! Simply use the Instant HOBO Credit code in the Gift Card box at checkout for your next purchase.
6. Once we receive your return, any partial balance remaining from your Instant HOBO Credit will be issued to a gift card. If you did not use your Instant HOBO Credit, we will email you a gift card with a full refund.


We currently do not accept returns for orders shipped outside the United States.

E-gift Card Purchases

E-gift cards are non-returnable and cannot be redeemed for cash, except where required by law.

Price Adjustments

Unless otherwise specified, we will honor a price adjustment within 7 days of the purchase order date on items purchased on for the difference between your order price and the new sale price.
Please have your order number when you contact our customer service team to request a price adjustment.


Through our returns process, refunds due can only be issued back to the original method of payment or a gift card.